Tag Archives: Vineyard Boise


Yes, I talk too.

My son says that when he writes scripts he hears my voice. That’s a bit scary to me (I personally hear Edward James Olmos alternating with David Tennant as The Doctor or Michael C. Hall as Dexter which means I have multiple personalities at work in my head which is scarier…but I digress…imagine that). This is the latest opportunity for those of you who only read me to hear my voice too.

But not to worry. I’m sure I am not going to become the voice you hear in your head.

Used this shot as the background for the powerpoint. Lula captures sabbath wonder for me...

Used this shot as the background for the powerpoint. Lula captures sabbath wonder for me. I don’t remember if this was taken at dawn or dusk, but I imagine it’s dusk as Sabbath dawns.

And it’s a good message. I can’t speak to delivery and style, you can judge that if you take the 45 minutes or so to listen. But the content of the message is good.

Practicing Sabbath.

Learning to stop.

Learning to be the 24/6 beings we are made to be rather than allowing ourselves to be continually stuffed into a 24/7 mold.

Gettysburg_GuelzoWhat’s funny is that when I woke up at about 5:45 AM that morning, I felt a complete and total void. Usually there’s some level of anticipation or even anxiety before speaking. Nothing. “Uh oh. This may not be good.” Getting up and spending thirty minutes or so with Allen Guelzo and his book Gettysburg:The Last Invasion in the stillness of the morning in the Sabbath sanctuary of my patio was evidently all that was needed, and the book became for me the centerpiece of the talk.

How wonderfully dissonant that gazing on the history of carnage at Gettysburg sparked me with energy to dive into Sabbath speech.

Multiple personalities at work in the head of one very disturbed personality…

But the message is good.

Listen if and when you can. If you dare.

And do yourself a favor. Trying really stopping sometime this week.


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Posted by on June 3, 2013 in Sermons, Videos


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